Two other models are currently in development: an 88-key version (Keybird F1) and a four-octave version (Keybird L1). Designed in Denmark, Keybird's aesthetic is inspired by the "Form Follows Function" philosophy. It shows the beautiful string patterns and functional shapes of the inside of the piano, which are usually hidden in traditional acoustic pianos. In addition to reducing overall size, the absence of nonfunctional case parts also eliminates excess weight.
Keybird sells worldwide, direct-to-consumer. Retailing at $3,450 plus shipping, tax, and duty, their aim is to offer instruments at the most affordable price possible to fulfill their mission of making the acoustic piano more accessible.
We like to think that we have created an intimate acoustic piano for those who value acoustic sound and would otherwise buy a digital piano because of practical reasons such as price, size, weight, service requirements, and headphone options.
-Lander Pinson, Keybird Founder
Keybird requires minimal maintenance and can be tuned by almost everyone who owns a smartphone. Keyboards are designed with only one string per note (as opposed to the traditional two and three strings on a full-size piano), which, in addition to reducing the overall volume, also removes the complexity of the tuning process. Although they recommend the acoustic-only option, an optional silent system upgrade is available. Keybirds are equipped with Midi implementation and can be connected to sound modules (in the current Midi system, the sound is already included) to play silent late evenings, combining the best of digital and acoustic instruments.